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The climate issue has been trending worldwide, and we can see consequences, especially in agriculture. This year, we have witnessed unseasonal rain, heat, and snow, threatening the livelihood and food security.
We all know climate change occurs due to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere, particularly gases like CO2, methane, and other harmful gases. What happens is that when heat or sunlight reaches to earth's atmosphere, it gets captured by these harmful gases, and the heat doesn't reflect, leading to temperature rise and global warming. Due to the rapid increase in fossil fuels, deforestation, industrial process, and urbanization, there is an increase in greenhouse gases.
Unseasonal rain, severe drought, floods, and heat waves are extreme weather events affecting agriculture. Because of this, crop yield, soil health, and quality are affected, which can directly cause damage to the livelihood of people.
Due to climate changes, pest and crop diseases spread to new areas; unwanted climate changes can introduce new pests or diseases to areas without harmful effects. It can cause serious damage to livestock.
Due to the rise in temperature and drought, water scarcity is decreasing daily, which highly affects agriculture's soil and water needs.
4. Soil Health
Climate changes affect soil texture and soil fertility. Extreme weather conditions such as floods and drought can lead to soil erosion and decreased quality.
Farmers can take the following steps to overcome climate change:
Farmers can modify their crop production patterns to adapt to climate change. Farmers can take advice from Agronomist Expert.
Farmers can adapt many methods to improve soil health, such as cover cropping, crop rotation, integrating live stocks, use of fertilizers, Ph balancer or Soil conditioner.
Farmers can start using innovative and old methods to manage water, such as pond liners storing water, water harvesting, and irrigating.
Using different crop varieties, less chemical usage, and livestock breeds that can help change environmental conditions.
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